"If you want to buy a house, then stop buying avocado toast"

Underglaze, cobalt oxide, white glaze on stoneware
1230 C

Although it's quite pricey, avocado toast is a favorite brunch item among many American Millennials. A serving of avocado toast usually costs about $12 to $15 at a restaurant. But billionaire Tim Gurner said in an interview to Millennials: "If you want to buy a house, stop buying avocado toast." However, according to research, the down payment for a home can be equivalent to 9,000 avocado toasts or more. Each toast here represents 1,000 avocado toasts and millennials can’t afford the frustration of rising housing prices in the U.S., so instead, they choose to buy avocado toast.

儘管價格相當昂貴酪梨吐司是許多美國千禧一代最喜歡的早午餐食品。 一份酪梨吐司在餐廳的價格通常約為 12 至 15 美元(400 至 500 新台幣)。 但億萬富翁蒂姆古納(Tim Gurner)在接受年輕的千禧一代採訪時說:“如果你想買房子,就不要再買酪梨吐司了。” 然而,據研究,位於我舊家華盛頓特區内一套房子的首付款相當於 10,000 個酪梨吐司。如您如此可見,您無法將購買酪梨吐司與購買房屋相提並論。 這裡的每個吐司代表 1000個酪梨吐司和千禧一代無法承受美國房價上漲的挫敗感,因此,他們選擇購買酪梨吐司。